storage units for blended familiesstorage units for blended families

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storage units for blended families

When blending two families into one, things can get rather stressful. Not only do you have to worry about all of the members of each family, but you also have to worry about all of their stuff. How do you make two family's worth of things fit into one house? Can you get rid of some stuff? Should you hold onto the things that aren't really needed? I created this blog to help other blended families learn how to utilize storage units as a way to meet in the middle of some of the disagreements that can arise during the blending process.

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3 Things In Your Home That Belong In Self-Storage

When you have a storage unit that you can use to keep your belongings safe and accounted for, life is great. You have a great solution to your storage needs and don't have to worry at all about your items being too crowded in your home or taking up space where you don't want them to be taking up space. You can use self-storage for a variety of things, including just temporarily storing things until you are done with a home renovation or until a family member moves out.

Storage is convenient because it often entails renting a unit for just a few months at a time since you can use a month-to-month solution for your storage needs. If you want to have a storage unit long-term, you may be able to work out a contract with your self-storage facility manager, but this is only an ideal solution for you if you are going to be getting cheaper storage monthly fees by signing a contract. Otherwise, paying monthly can be ideal.

Here are three things at your home that belong in self-storage so you can free up your garage and other areas of your home.

Holiday Decor

From the Halloween decorations to the Christmas tree you drag out every year, these items only belong in a storage unit within your home if you have a holiday immediately coming up or if you have these items up year-round. Otherwise, they're just taking up real estate for no reason in your home.

Seasonal Equipment

Snowmobiles, water skis, kayaks, lawnmowers, snowmobiles, life jackets, weed whackers, edgers, snow blowers, bicycles, and other equipment that can only be used during certain times of year should be put in storage rather than left in a garage or out in the open. Put these items in an area in your self-storage unit facility that you can easily get to in the event you need to temporarily take something out.

Excess Furniture

All excess furniture in your home can be placed in storage until you're either ready to sell it, get rid of it, or use it. You don't have to display these pieces or keep them in your home to take up space when storage facilities are plenty large enough to house these items. It's wise to cover all furnishings with covers to protect them against the sun and the elements until you are ready to take them out of storage.

For more information, reach out to a storage facility near you.