storage units for blended familiesstorage units for blended families

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storage units for blended families

When blending two families into one, things can get rather stressful. Not only do you have to worry about all of the members of each family, but you also have to worry about all of their stuff. How do you make two family's worth of things fit into one house? Can you get rid of some stuff? Should you hold onto the things that aren't really needed? I created this blog to help other blended families learn how to utilize storage units as a way to meet in the middle of some of the disagreements that can arise during the blending process.

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3 Smart Organization Tips For Your Storage Unit

Renting a storage unit is a great first step to decluttering your house, but what's the point if all you end up with is a cluttered storage unit? Taking steps to ensure that your storage unit is organized from the start can save you time and hassle later on – you'll be able to tell exactly what you do and don't have at any given time and you'll be able to find what you need when you need it. Cleaning a messy and disorganized storage unit is a pain, but arranging it so that it's organized from the beginning is easy if you know how. Take a look at some smart organization tips that will help you keep your unit manageable.

Make Sure That You Rent a Large Enough Unit

While it sounds like common sense to make sure that you have all of the space that you need, many people underestimate their needs, or deliberately choose too-small spaces in order to save money. The truth is that your possessions are more likely to be damaged in an overcrowded unit, which means that renting a unit that is adequately sized may actually save you money.

Storage units tend not to be expensive – a 5x5 unit can run as low as $40 a month, and a 10x20 unit with no climate control. can be less than $100. Even the largest unit, the 20x20 size, is only around $225 a month. These costs are reasonable to ensure the safety of your possessions.

Most storage facilities offer size guides to their customers. These guides can give you an idea of how much space you need. Factor in additional space if you think you plan to add to the unit over time, instead of just making one move. You'll also need additional space if you plan to access the unit frequently – you'll need more room to move around the unit than someone who plans on accessing their items rarely.

Store Your Stuff Inside Your Stuff

You can save space by using larger items to store smaller ones. Are you storing dressers, bookshelves, or cabinets? What about a refrigerator, a deep freezer, or trashcans. All of those items can be used to securely store other things and leave you with some free space.

Just be sure to clean these items out thoroughly before you use them for storage space. Leftover food – even crumbs – and other dirt and debris can attract bugs and rodents that will damage your items. You may want to wrap open storage spaces, like bookshelves, in plastic wrap after you've filled them in order to further protect the items that you're storing.

Create a Label System That Works for You

One of the most important factors in getting organized and staying organized is knowing what you have stored where. That way, you don't make a mess when you're trying to find something that you need. The best way to do this is with a label system. Some people prefer to use colors – for example, you might give all the kitchen items blue labels and office items red labels. Others may prefer using numerical or alphabetical labeling systems. Whatever method you choose, be sure that it is something that suits your organizational style. If it's too complicated or tedious to use, you may eventually stop using it and let things become disorganized.

Whatever labeling system you use, be sure to include some specific details about what's in the boxes and containers. Write "fragile" in large, clear letters on any box containing breakables, and make a notation about the weight of the items in the boxes (even if it's just "light", "heavy", "very heavy", etc. rather than specific weights.) This will help you decide how to stack your containers, with heavy items on the bottom and light or fragile items on top. Once you have your boxes in place, consider making a map of your storage unit, noting what types of items are stored where.

Ensuring that your unit is as organized as possible may take some extra time. However, it's worth it to end up with a clean, orderly, easy-to-navigate storage unit. For more information, contact a business such as National Self Storage - Denver.