storage units for blended familiesstorage units for blended families

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storage units for blended families

When blending two families into one, things can get rather stressful. Not only do you have to worry about all of the members of each family, but you also have to worry about all of their stuff. How do you make two family's worth of things fit into one house? Can you get rid of some stuff? Should you hold onto the things that aren't really needed? I created this blog to help other blended families learn how to utilize storage units as a way to meet in the middle of some of the disagreements that can arise during the blending process.

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4 Creative Uses For A Mobile Storage Container

When you think of mobile storage containers, you may only picture needing one to store the extra stuff that won't fit in your home. However, the uses go far beyond storage when you are out of room. Here are a few creative uses for a mobile storage container.

Hosting an Outdoor Party

Are you planning to host a big party outside? If so, there will be a lot of extra items you'll need to deal with near your party site. Folding tables, chairs, decorations, and your fun outdoor activities all need to be stored somewhere before and after the event. You can save yourself a lot of hassle on the day of the party by having the items stored in a mobile storage container. Keep the container close to the party site, and you won't have to take the items very at the end of the day.

Protecting Items During the Winter

The cold weather of winter means that a lot of items need to come inside. You may have items that are too big and impractical to take into your home, such as bicycles and strollers. All of these items can go into a mobile storage container for a few months, and then taken back out when the weather gets warm.

In addition, you can use that storage container to store your large winter items that you frequently need access to. Snow blowers, sleds, and shovels that you don't have room to store in a small garage.

Holding Home Renovation Items

Going through a home renovation can be quite challenging, especially if you do not have the room for everything in your house. For example, if you are remodeling your kitchen, but found a really good deal on new appliances before you finished, you may not have a place to put them until you are ready to have them connected. A mobile storage unit can be used to hold these things, as well as lumber, power tools, and any other items you do not want to look at in your home during construction.

Hosting a Garage Sale

Want to host a garage sale, but don't actually gave a garage? It can be tough to set out all your items through an entire weekend. IF the weather gets bad, you'd normally find yourself needing to bring everything inside so items do not get ruined. A mobile storage unit can hold all of those garage sale items, and when the sale is finished, have the unit picked up from your property.

Contact a service, like AA All American Airborne Self-Storage, for more help.