storage units for blended familiesstorage units for blended families

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storage units for blended families

When blending two families into one, things can get rather stressful. Not only do you have to worry about all of the members of each family, but you also have to worry about all of their stuff. How do you make two family's worth of things fit into one house? Can you get rid of some stuff? Should you hold onto the things that aren't really needed? I created this blog to help other blended families learn how to utilize storage units as a way to meet in the middle of some of the disagreements that can arise during the blending process.

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Info for Storing Your Boat During off-Season

Part of owning a boat is being able to store it safely during the off-season when you aren't going to be taking it out regularly. You don't want to make the mistake of storing the boat in your yard the way you would park a car if you aren't going to be using it for a few months or so. A boat is a whole different vehicle. It doesn't have the protection that a car has and will therefore be exposed to more harmful threats. From rain to the neighborhood cats, there are many things that can cause damage to your boat. Here is more information on properly storing your boat: 

Find the right storage space for your boat

Many people choose to store their boats in self-storage units. This type of storage will give you a private space to store your boat, so you know no one else besides yourself will be near it while it's put away, unless they came there with you. The storage unit will keep your boat dry and keep it secure from outside pests. The boat won't be exposed to sunlight and you won't have to worry about things like neighborhood kids or cats causing any damage to it. In fact, you can put the boat in a climate-controlled storage unit, so you know it's even being stored at a good temperature and the humidity levels it is kept in will even be low. 

You want to put your boat in a storage unit that gives you enough space to navigate the boat in and out with ease. Many times, this means getting a storage unit near the end of the row, but some facilities have especially wide rows, so this won't be an issue no matter where in the row your unit is located. 

Prepare your boat for storage

Before you park your boat in the storage unit, you want to make sure you have gone over it and prepared it for storage properly. 

Prepare the exterior of the boat - You will want to wash the boat's exterior with liquid soap, water, and a soft sponge or rag. Be sure to dry the boat completely as well. You may want to wax as well, which won't be as important when storing the boat inside as it would be if you were storing it out in the open. 

Prepare the interior of the boat - You may want to put a boat upholstery protectant on the upholstery in your boat. You should also open all of the drawers and cabinets and leave them open while the boat is in the storage unit. This can help to prevent mildew growth if there was still some moisture in them when the boat was put in storage. 

For more information about boat storage tips, contact a local storage business near you to learn more.