storage units for blended familiesstorage units for blended families

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storage units for blended families

When blending two families into one, things can get rather stressful. Not only do you have to worry about all of the members of each family, but you also have to worry about all of their stuff. How do you make two family's worth of things fit into one house? Can you get rid of some stuff? Should you hold onto the things that aren't really needed? I created this blog to help other blended families learn how to utilize storage units as a way to meet in the middle of some of the disagreements that can arise during the blending process.

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4 Benefits Of Vinyl Sheds

If you want to install a new shed, then you should take the time to choose the right materials. While some people buy wood or metal sheds, vinyl products are also a good option. Why should you think about using a vinyl shed? 1. Get a Shed That Lasts Longer A new shed should be a long-term investment. You want a structure that lasts, and you don't want to have to replace the shed too often because it is no longer fit for purpose. Read More 

Info for Storing Your Boat During off-Season

Part of owning a boat is being able to store it safely during the off-season when you aren't going to be taking it out regularly. You don't want to make the mistake of storing the boat in your yard the way you would park a car if you aren't going to be using it for a few months or so. A boat is a whole different vehicle. It doesn't have the protection that a car has and will therefore be exposed to more harmful threats. Read More 

4 Reasons Heated Storage Is Worth It

Putting your belongings into storage doesn't mean you don't care about those belongings anymore; instead, you care very much about those items but don't have room for them in your main residency right now. If you want your items to stay in peak condition, like they would if they were stored inside of your home, you are going to want to pay for a heated storage unit. A heated storage unit can offer many advantages over a regular storage unit. Read More